Thursday, 5 October 2017

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Zentralbank BREAKING DOWN Zentralbank Zentralbanken sind inhärent nicht marktorientierte oder gar wettbewerbswidrige Institutionen. Viele Zentralbanken, einschließlich der Fed, werden oft als unabhängig oder sogar privat angepriesen. Aber selbst wenn eine Zentralbank nicht rechtmäßig im Besitz der Regierung ist, werden ihre Privilegien geschaffen und gesetzlich geschützt. Das kritische Merkmal einer Zentralbank, die es von anderen Banken unterscheidet, ist das gesetzliche Monopolprivileg für die Ausgabe von Banknoten und Bargeld in Privatbesitz befindlichen Geschäftsbanken ist es nur gestattet, Forderungsverbindlichkeiten, wie z. B. Scheckeinlagen, auszugeben. Funktionen der Zentralbanken Die normative Rechtfertigung des Zentralbankwesens beruht auf drei kritischen Faktoren. Erstens verwaltet die Zentralbank das Wachstum der nationalen Geldmengenaggregate in einem Versuch, die Wirtschaftspolitik zu führen, oft mit dem Ziel der Vollbeschäftigung. Die Bank fungiert auch als Notfinanzierer für notleidende Geschäftsbanken und andere Institutionen. Schließlich bietet eine Zentralbank eine wesentlich größere Finanzierungsflexibilität der Zentralregierung, indem sie eine politisch attraktive Alternative zur Besteuerung bietet. Die Zentralbanken führen eine Standard-Geldpolitik durch Manipulation der Geldmenge und der Zinssätze durch. Sie regulieren die Mitgliedsbanken unter anderem durch Kapitalanforderungen, Reserveanforderungen und Einlagensicherheiten. Die ersten Prototypen für das moderne Zentralbankwesen waren die Bank von England und die schwedische Riksbank im 17. Jahrhundert. Die Bank von England war der erste, der die Rolle des Kreditgebers der letzten Möglichkeit anerkannte. Andere frühe Zentralbanken, namentlich Napoleons Bank von Frankreich und Deutschlands Reichsbank, wurden gegründet, um teure militärische Operationen der Regierung zu finanzieren. Zentralbanken in den Vereinigten Staaten Es war vor allem deshalb, weil die europäischen Zentralbanken es Regierungen erleichterten, zu wachsen, Krieg zu führen und besondere Interessen zu bereichern, dass viele Amerikaner, die Väter gründeten, leidenschaftlich Thomas Jefferson gegen das Zentralbankwesen ablehnten. Trotz dieser Einwände nutzten die frühen USA sowohl offizielle Zentralbanken als auch zahlreiche staatlich gecharterte Banken, mit Ausnahme des Free-Banking-Zeitraums zwischen 1837 und 1863. Das National Banking Act von 1863 schuf ein Netzwerk von nationalen Banken und einer einzigen US-Währung, Mit New York als der zentralen Reserve Stadt. Die USA erlebten 1873, 1884, 1893 und 1907 eine Reihe von Banken-Panik. Als Reaktion darauf setzten die Vereinigten Staaten das Federal Reserve System ein und verbreiteten 12 Federal Reserve Banks im ganzen Land, um die Finanztätigkeit zu stabilisieren. Die neue Fed half, den Ersten Weltkrieg und den Zweiten Weltkrieg durch den Kauf von Staatsanleihen zu finanzieren. Leider bestanden in der Fed-Ära vor allem in den Jahren 1929, 1937, 1980 und 2007 noch schwerere Finanzkrisen. Trotz der besten Bemühungen der Federal Reserve und des Board of Governors. Stabile Zentralbankpolitik bleibt elusive. Supply und Nachfrage Devisenhandel in einer Nussschale Synonym Angebot und Nachfrage Devisenhandel in einer Nussschale Synonym Anyoption Dieser Makler ist wirklich gut für Starter in der Welt der binären Optionen. Gold unter 1 Stunde binäre Optionen cboe globex Futures binaryoptionsdaytrading Stunden 1200 Nutshelp Stunden von Optionbit-Liste 26. Und Home-Subwoofer. Falls auf dem Kopf ist es firex für Mädchen es wird gesagt, wie sie eine Königin sein wird. Sehr gut bis ausgezeichnet. Das Personal ist aufmerksam und behandelt alle Kunden in einer freundlichen Umgebung. Es stellt eine unglaubliche Lern-und Erfahrungsaustausch für alle von uns. 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Einige Seiten liefern und fordern Devisenhandel in einer Nussschale Synonym der Website kann Affiliate-Links für Produkte enthalten. Aktien tumble Angebot und Nachfrage Devisenhandel in einer Nussschale Synonym binäre Optionen Stürmer. Sasha1987 Ich dachte darüber nach und entfernte die Frage ptyucha Lassen Sie Ihre Mens Power immer mehr penka-xxl Ärzte glauben, dass die meisten Fälle von Impotenz aus geistigen oder emotionalen Problemen resultieren. Kiss2008 Hier ist die Liste der interessantesten Verkäufe Beeilen Sie sich zu kaufen billige Medikamente starosta Dies ist ein wertvolles Stück KSK Bravo, die ausgezeichnete Antwort. 7 von 10 auf der Grundlage von 1525 ReviewAdam Smith: Der Vater der Ökonomie Adam Smith war ein Philosoph des 18. Jahrhunderts, der als Vater der modernen Ökonomie bekannt ist und ein bedeutender Befürworter der laissez-faire Wirtschaftspolitik ist. Smith schlug in seinem ersten Buch The Theory of Moral Sentiments die Idee der unsichtbaren Hand vor, die Tendenz freier Märkte durch Wettbewerb, Angebot und Nachfrage und Eigeninteresse zu regulieren. Smith ist auch bekannt für seine Theorie der Kompensation von Lohnunterschieden, was bedeutet, dass gefährliche oder unerwünschte Arbeitsplätze tendenziell höhere Löhne zahlen, um Arbeitnehmer zu diesen Positionen zu locken, aber er ist berühmt für sein Buch von 1776: Eine Untersuchung der Natur und der Ursachen des Reichtums Der Nationen. Lesen Sie weiter, um zu erfahren, wie dieser schottische Philosoph gegen den Merkantilismus argumentierte, der Vater des modernen Freihandels und der Schöpfer des heutigen Begriffs des BIP zu werden. Frühes Leben Die aufgezeichnete Geschichte von Smiths Leben beginnt am 5. Juni 1723, bei seiner Taufe in Schottland aber sein Geburtstag ist undokumentiert. Smith besuchte die Universität von Glasgow im Alter von 14 Jahren, später an der prestigeträchtigen Balliol College an der Oxford University. Er verbrachte Jahre Lehre und Nachhilfe, veröffentlichte einige seiner Vorlesungen in seinem Buch 1759, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Das Material wurde gut aufgenommen und legte den Grundstein für die Veröffentlichung einer Untersuchung über die Natur und die Ursachen des Reichtums der Nationen (1776), die seinen Platz in der Geschichte zementieren würde. Die Theorie der Moral Sentiments Smith ist berühmt für seine 1776-Stück, The Wealth of Nations, aber seine erste große Abhandlung, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, veröffentlicht im Jahr 1759 erstellt viele Ideen noch heute praktiziert. Einige können überrascht sein, zu erfahren, dass in diesem Buch Smith, notorisch bekannt als der Vater des Kapitalismus, Wohltätigkeit und menschliche Ethik ausführlich in diesem ersten Buch diskutiert. Während ein Großteil der Philosophie hinter Smiths Arbeit auf Selbstinteresse und Maximierung der Rückkehr basiert, war The Theory of Moral Sentiments, eine Abhandlung darüber, wie menschliche Kommunikation beruht auf Sympathie. Das Buch beschäftigte sich intensiv mit Ideen wie Moral und menschlicher Sympathie. In dem Buch, Smith argumentiert, dass die Menschen selbst interessiert sind, aber natürlich gerne anderen helfen. Während dies mit seinen ökonomischen Ansichten von Einzelpersonen, die sich besser und ohne Rücksicht auf das Gemeinwohl beschäftigen, scheinbar im Widerspruch steht, verschiebt die Idee einer unsichtbaren Hand, die jedem durch die Arbeit von egozentrischen Individuen hilft, diesen scheinbaren Widerspruch. Der Reichtum der Nationen Smiths 1776, eine Untersuchung in die Natur und die Ursachen des Reichtums der Nationen, auch verkürzt als der Reichtum der Nationen, dokumentierte die industrielle Entwicklung in Europa. Während Kritiker beachten, dass Smith nicht erfinden viele der Ideen, die er schrieb, war er die erste Person zu kompilieren und veröffentlichen sie in einem Format entwickelt, um sie zu den durchschnittlichen Leser des Tages zu erklären. Infolgedessen ist er für die Popularisierung vieler Ideen verantwortlich, die die Schule des Denkens untermauern, die als klassische Wirtschaft bekannt wurde. Andere Ökonomen auf Smiths Arbeit gebaut, um die klassische Wirtschaftstheorie zu festigen, die die dominierende Schule des wirtschaftlichen Denkens durch die Große Depression geworden wäre. Laissez-faire-Philosophien wie die Minimierung der Rolle staatlicher Intervention und Besteuerung auf den freien Märkten und der Gedanke, dass eine unsichtbare Hand das Angebot und die Nachfrage steuert, gehören zu den Schlüsselfragen, die Smiths Schreiben für die Förderung trägt. Diese Ideen spiegeln das Konzept, dass jede Person, indem sie sich für sich selbst, versehentlich hilft, das beste Ergebnis für alle zu schaffen. Nicht aus dem Wohlwollen des Metzgers, des Brauers oder des Bäckers, dass wir unser Abendessen erwarten können, aber aus ihrer Rücksicht auf ihr eigenes Interesse schrieb Smith. Durch den Verkauf von Produkten, die Menschen kaufen wollen, der Metzger, Brauer und Bäcker hoffen, Geld zu verdienen. Wenn sie effektiv bei der Erfüllung der Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden sind, werden sie die finanziellen Belohnungen zu genießen. Während sie engagieren sich in ihren Unternehmen für den Zweck des Geldes zu verdienen, sind sie auch die Bereitstellung von Produkten, die Menschen wollen. Solch ein System, schreibt Smith, schafft Wohlstand nicht nur für den Metzger, Brauer und Bäcker, sondern für die Nation als Ganzes, wenn diese Nation mit Bürgern bevölkert ist, die produktiv arbeiten, um sich besser zu verbessern und ihre finanziellen Bedürfnisse zu adressieren. Ähnlich stellte Smith fest, dass ein Mann sein Vermögen in das Unternehmen investieren würde, höchstwahrscheinlich ihm helfen, die höchste Rendite für ein gegebenes Risiko-Niveau zu verdienen. Heute wird die unsichtbare Handtheorie oft in Form eines Naturphänomens dargestellt, das freie Märkte und Kapitalismus in Richtung Effizienz durch Angebot und Nachfrage und Wettbewerb um knappe Ressourcen führt und nicht als etwas, das zum Wohlbefinden führt Einzelpersonen. Der Reichtum der Nationen ist ein gewaltiges Werk, das aus zwei Bänden besteht, die in fünf Bücher unterteilt sind. Die von ihr geförderten Ideen brachten internationale Aufmerksamkeit auf sich und trugen dazu bei, den Übergang vom landgestützten Reichtum zum Reichtum zu treiben, der durch Fließband-Produktionsmethoden, die von der Arbeitsteilung getragen wurden, erzeugt wurde. Ein Beispiel Smith zitierte die Arbeit erforderlich, um einen Stift zu machen. Ein Mann, der die 18 Schritte erforderte, um die Aufgaben zu vollenden, konnte jede Woche eine Handvoll Stifte machen, aber wenn die 18 Aufgaben in Fließbandtechnik von zehn Männern abgeschlossen wurden, würde die Produktion zu Tausenden von Stiften pro Woche springen. Kurz gesagt, Smith argumentiert, dass die Teilung der Arbeit und Spezialisierung produziert Wohlstand. Es ist die große Vermehrung der Produktionen aller verschiedenen Künste in Folge der Arbeitsteilung, die in einer wohlgeordneten Gesellschaft die universelle Opulenz, die sich auf die untersten Reihen des Volkes ausdehnt, bei Smith in The Reichtum der Nationen. Adam Smith schafft das Konzept des BIP Letztlich durch die Ideen im Reichtum der Nationen, wechselte Smith die importexport Geschäft, schuf das Konzept, was jetzt bekannt als Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) und argumentiert für den freien Austausch. Vor der Freilassung von The Wealth of Nations erklärten die Länder ihren Reichtum nach dem Wert ihrer Gold - und Silbervorkommen. Allerdings war Smiths Arbeit sehr kritisch gegenüber dem Merkantilismus, argumentierte er, dass stattdessen die Länder auf der Grundlage ihres Produktions - und Handelsniveaus bewertet werden sollten. Dieses Gefühl schuf die Grundlage für die Messung der Nationen Wohlstand auf einer Metrik mit dem Namen GDP. Vor Smiths Buch waren Länder zögerlich, mit anderen Ländern zu handeln, es sei denn, sie profitierten sie. Doch Smith argumentierte, dass ein freier Austausch geschaffen werden sollte, da beide Seiten den Handel besser abschneiden. Dies führte zu einem Anstieg der Importe und Exporte und der Länder, die ihren Wert entsprechend bewerten. Smith argumentierte auch für eine begrenzte Regierung. Er wollte eine offizielle Regierung und Gesetze sehen, die einen freien und freien Markt schaffen. Smith sah die Regierung für einige Sektoren, darunter Bildung und Verteidigung. The Bottom Line Die Ideen, die in Verbindung mit Smith wurde nicht nur die Grundlage der klassischen Schule der Ökonomie, sondern gewann auch ihm einen Platz in der Geschichte als Vater der Ökonomie. Konzepte Smith Pionierarbeit, wie die unsichtbare Hand und die Arbeitsteilung dienen als Grundlage für andere Fragestellungen der Ökonomie. Smith starb am 19. Juli 1790, aber die Ideen, die er förderte, leben in Form von Ökonomen Forschung und Institute wie das Adam-Smith-Institut. Im Jahr 2007 legte die Bank of England sein Image auf die 20 Note. Wenn die Gesamtausgaben eines Staates die Einnahmen übersteigen, die er erzeugt (ohne Geld aus Krediten). 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ThinkForex is a trading name of TF Global Markets (UK) Ltd which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TF Global Markets (Aust) Pty Ltd, and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) FRN 629628. Registered address: 2 Copthall Avenue, London EC2R 7DA. The information on this website is not country specific nor targeted at the general public. As such it is not intended for distribution in any country where such distribution or use would contravene any local law or regulatory requirements. For a full list of commissions and charges for all account types please click here copy2015 ThinkForex All rights reserved. Online Free forex vps for automated traders Useful forex and technical analysis books The list author says: I have read and browsed many trading books before I concluded on this list. To be included in my top list the books should be valuable to me in my own trading (alternative be very interesting but not actually used in my own trading). There is a strong bias towards forex and technical analysis. If you want further information I have provided details review on all books in this list. There are a lot of get-rich-quick books available and they are not very useful. There is no set of book that can give you the holy grail of success. There is no mechanical system that will work over time. The best I can offer are a number of readings. It is up to you to create your own system. I have also created a list called Useless forex and technical analysis books to highlight some of the useless books that Ive come across. There are so many authors that cant trade but that start a website and publish a book. Those books will promise a lot and you are an idiot if you believe them. Online Useful forex and technical analysis books When trading forex online you must come up with a forex strategy. In todays article we will explain various technical indicators that forex traders can use to implement their forex trading strategies . Moving Average the moving average shows the average value of a securitys price over a set period of time. They are used to identify areas of possible support and resistance and there are many different types of moving averages that are used as well. Simple Moving Average (SMA) the simple moving average is calculated by adding the closing price of a security for a certain number of time periods and then dividing the total by the actual number of time periods. Exponential Moving Average (EMA) this moving average is used in technical analysis. and it is similar to the simple moving average, except that more weight is given to the latest data. Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) this moving average is another technical analysis tool that shows the relationship between two moving averages of prices. It uses exponential moving averages in its calculation and through using it you are able to identify buy and sell signals. When using with the MACD, you use what is called a signal line in order to identify these buy and sell signals. Crossovers, divergence, and the dramatic rise are terms also used along with the MACD in order to practice forex trading. You will learn more about these terms as you expand your FX trading education. Relative Strength Index (RSI) the relative strength index is another technical indicator used to develop a forex strategy that compares the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses. It does this in order to determine oversold and overbought conditions of a particular asset in the forex market. This tool is best used in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and shouldnt be used alone. When technical analysis charts and the RSI, traders must be aware that large surges or drops in the price of an asset will affect the RSI by creating false buy or sell signals. Stochastics a stochastics oscillator is a technical momentum indicator used to compare a securitys closing price to its price range over a specific period of time. The theory behind using the stochastics oscillator is that in an upward trending currency market. prices tend to close near their high, and during a down trending market, prices tend to close near their low. There are additional technical indicators used to develop a forex strategy. Continue to learn more about technical indicators that are used to trade forex and see if the foreign exchange market is a good place for you. Market Direction: Trading in any market requires a plan. Whether trading stocks, options, commodities, or Forex, an investor should have an established game plan. With candlestick analysis, the development of a successful plan is much easier to produce. The visual aspects allows an investor to make ifthen decisions based upon the time frame in which they are trading. Not all trends go straight up. Not all trends goes straight down. Fortunately, the visual elements of candlestick signals allows an investor to make assessments of how to position trades based upon the reactions after candlestick signals. As demonstrated in the Dow chart, the downtrend started with the Bearish Engulfing signal that had a upper booster tail to it. Confirmation of that sell signal involved the tee line the next day. As taught in the Candlestick Forum chat rooms, trading below the tee line has only one predominant prognosis. The downtrend is in progress As seen in mid-August and early September, a pullback through the tee line occurred but was quickly nullified by bullish signals. That same scenario could have been taking place over the past few days. But this is where the specifics of candlestick signal knowledge greatly enhances an investors analytical perspectives. Wednesdays trading went well below the tee line. By the end of the day, the Dow chart was trading near the top end of the trading range, just below the tee line. The NASDAQ closed just above the tee line. This created indecisive trading signals in both the Dow and the NASDAQ. How does this help the candlestick investor Each signal has specific results that will identify what is occurring in investor sentiment. The indecisive trading day on Wednesday, forming hammerDoji type days produced easy trend evaluation scenarios. What was required after an indecisive signal to indicate the Bulls were still in control Positive premarket futures and positive trading on the open today. That would have confirmed the Bulls were using the tee line once again as support. What should be analyzed if the market started selling off on the open It should already be analyzed that a downtrend could be in progress. A Bearish Engulfing signal last week was the first signal that allowed a breach of the tee line. A Bearish Harami this week showed the lack of bullish strength after another attempt to move up above the tee line. Simple logic helps the candlestick investor make the immediate decisions required for successful investing. If the markets were going to open weaker today, what would that imply Obviously, the tee line was acting as resistance versus support. Making that assessment should have been the instigation of closing out long positions that were not continuing to show strong bullish signals. This analytical process allows for quick and decisive action for closing out long positions. This may seem like a very simple explanation for what to do, but that is exactly the purpose of knowing what information is conveyed in individual candlestick signals. The same logic can be applied to knowing what should occur in a candlestick pattern. As illustrated in our recent recommendation of MDZ, the Fry pan bottom pattern was the instigation to purchase this position. There is a unique benefit of purchasing a pattern. The pattern is formed by the cumulative buying and selling sentiments of investors. It is not an overnight process. The length of the pattern indicates a build up of investor sentiment. Even on large market selling days, the bullish sentiment build up of a pattern should still continue. This may not result in a big gain when the market is selling off hard, but it maintains the price of the stock so that in investor has time to decide whether to hold a position or close it out. This usually results in the least a break even or a slight positive. Candlestick analysis is merely the evaluation of what is going on in investor sentiment. The graphic results allows for much more clarity in analyzing a price trend. This valuable aspect can be applied to all trading markets. Whether trading options or Forex, the direction can be much better evaluated when having the commonsense knowledge behind each candlestick signal. Chat session tonight at 8 p. m. ET. Guest speaker will be Tina Logan. Click here for instructions . The Candlestick Forum Team Stephen Bigalows latest book High Profit Candlestick Patterns Flash Card Set 12 PLUS DEFINITION of Candlestick A chart that displays the high, low, opening and closing prices for a security for a single day. The wide part of the candlestick is called the real body and tells investors whether the closing price was higher or lower than the opening price (blackred if the stock closed lower, whitegreen if the stock closed higher). The candlesticks shadows show the days high and lows and how they compare to the open and close. A candlesticks shape varies based on the relationship between the days high, low, opening and closing prices. BREAKING DOWN Candlestick Candlestick Forex Trading Strategy Candlestick charts are the most common chart types used by retail traders and investors. There are other types of charts such as line charts, bar charts etc. but they dont tell the story of past price action like candlesticks do. When trading is based on technical analysis, the decisions for future price action are made based on how the price has reacted in the past. I find candlesticks to be very useful and they are one of my favorite indicators. They work almost perfectly in volatile times, but even in less volatile times they work pretty well if used in combination with one or two other indicators. Candlesticks are the price movementaction for a certain period of time, from as little as 1 minute to a week or a month. The body of the candlestick is the price difference between the opening and the closing time. The two lines on each side, which are called shadows or wicks, display the highest and the lowest point of the price for that period of time. The green candlestick in the picture below is a bullish candlestick in which the closing point is higher than the opening and the red one is a bearish candlestick, indicating that the price at closing was lower than at opening. The colors of the body is irrelevant, you can set them to your preference. Green candlestick is a bullish candlestick and red candlestick is a bearish candlestick. Now that we have explained what a candlestick is, lets see the different shapes that a candlestick can take. Traders carry out technical analysis to build ideas and strategies for possible future trades. Candlestick formations are a very useful tool for indicating possibilities for entries and exits. I use candlesticks as one of my two or three indicators on most of the trades that I make. Their shapes show you whats going on with the price very clearly. Lets see some of the most popular and easy to trade candlesticks and how they can be interpreted. Dojis In a doji, price opens and closes almost at the same level after having been trading both sides. Buyers and sellers both have a go at pushing the price higher and lower, but finally the price ends up at the starting point. This means that forces are the same from both directions and after an uptrend where buyers had the upper hand, a doji indicates that the sellers are back in business. So a reversal or at least a pullback is about to take place. The opposite applies to a downtrend. Left this is how a typical doji candlestick looks. Right reversal indicated by doji candlestick. PinsReverse Pins In a pin candlestick the price trades below the opening level and ends up at the same level by the time of the period close. This means that the buyers are matching the sellers and in a downtrend it means that the bears are losing steam, therefore a reversal might take place. In an uptrend a pin means that the sellers had a go at pushing the price down but were outnumbered by the buyers, so this is a confirmation of the trend continuation and longs have much better odds then shorts. In a downtrend, a pin candlestick usually indicated a reversal. In an uptrend, pin candlesticks usually indicate the continuation of the trend. Reverse pins are the same as pins but act on the opposite direction: the candle opens, bulls have a go, bears charge in to take the price to the opening level. In an uptrend this means that a downtrend is about to begin in a downtrend a reversal pin indicates a trend continuation. In an uptrend, reverse pin candlesticks usually indicate the beginning of a bearish trend. HammersReverse Hammers Hammers are basically the same as pins and reverse pins, but with a stronger momentum. In a downtrend hammer the price opens, trades below and closes above the opening level, which means that the buyers more than matched the sellers. The size of the shadow might vary, some argue it should be at least twice the size of the body, but one thing is for sure the bigger the shadowwick, the bigger and stronger the reversal. This is true for pins as well. In an uptrend, a hammer is a sign of a trend continuation. Reverse hammers are the opposite, same as reverse pins, indicate trend change in an uptrend and trend continuation in a downtrend. Hammers indicate trend reversal is in place. Inverted hammer in an uptrend indicates a reversal of the trend. MorningEvening Star Morning stars and evening stars can only mean one thing, a reversal. A morning star formation includes three candles, a bearish candle, a neutral candle and a bullish candle, which means price will rise, hence the name morning star. Evening stars consist of a bullish candle, an indecisive one and a bearish candle, indicating a fall in the price. Between the three candles there are supposed to be gaps, which could only happen on daily or weekly charts, but thats not always the case. Evening and morning stars always indicate a reversal. BearishBullish Engulfing A bearish engulfing is a much bigger bear candle than the previous bull candle, hence the name engulfing, the new candle engulfs the previous candle. Only the body is taken into account. In this formation the trend doesnt matter, it indicates a fall regardless of the trend. Vice versa for the bullish engulfing. Bearish engulfing reversal falls follow each bearish engulfing candle. Bullish engulfing reversal and continuation bullish engulfing formation are followed by rises in the price. Share the post Candlestick Trading Strategy Download: Pattern Indicators Forex Chart Setup Preferred Time Frames: 4 hour and daily Candlestick Pattern: Doji Recommended Trading Sessions: All Currency Pairs: Any How the strategy works 1) Spot two consecutive doij candlesticks on your forex charts. 2) Mark the upper and lower doji borders. 3) Wait for the third candle to close above the upper border OR below the lower border. 4) Buy if the third candles closing price is above the upper border. Sell if the third candles closing price is below the lower border. Stop loss for buy positions is placed 2 pips below the breakout candle. Stop loss for sell positions is placed 2 pips above the breakout candle. 6) Profit Target: risk-to-reward ratio 1.5 (or use any profit method you like) Two Doji Forex Trading Strategy Example Two consecutive doji candlesticks are spotted on the EuroDollar daily chart. I mark the upper and lower doji borders and wait for a breakout either to the upside or downside. The third candlestick broke out to the upside. I bought the currency pair 1.3078 with stop loss 2 pips below the candlestick 1.2975. Calculating the profit target: Total risk x 1.5 Download: Pattern Indicators Total Risk: 1.3078 1.2975 103 pips Price Objective: 103 pips x 1.5 155 pips 1.3233 The Doji is a neutral candlestick pattern representing indecision between forex bulls and bears. It is characterized by being small in length 8212 meaning a small trading range 8212 with an opening and closing price that are equal. The Long-Legged Doji is characterized by long higher - and lower shadows. Online Candlestick trading strategies forex The YM futures market has a daily trading volume of approximately 75000 contracts, and a daily price range of approximately 50 points (50 ticks). As of February 2007, the Dow Jones index includes the following 30 companies : American International Group Developer: STEVEN DICKINSON Indices like the US Dollar Index (USDX) or the Dow Jones FXCM Dollar Index (USDOLLAR) measure the value of the United States Dollar relative to a basket of foreign currencies. The Currency Strength Meter uses similar techniques to calculate relative strength indices for up to 8 base currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY, AUD, CAD and NZD). It does this by analysing 28 currency pairs. The Currency Strength Meter can display the relative strength indices on the same chart as a increase (or decrease) since a common reference datum, allowing easy comparison, and providing a helicopter view of the major currency movements on a single chart. The Currency Strength Meter works on any time-frame, for example from daily bar charts right down to 1 minute bar charts. The indicator can also compute and display the RSI, SMA and MACD of the raw data, as well as displaying a correlation matrix. Standard technical analysis techniques can also be used on the raw data, just like any other instrument. For example, drawing trend lines, looking for higher highs lower lows, double tops double bottoms, support resistance lines, etc. The following are inputs available in the application: Reference date mode. This can be Chart, Specified date, N-bars back, N-hours back, N-days back or N-weeks back. When set to Chart the start of the chart is used as the reference. When set to Specified date the date (and optional time) should be entered into the Reference date field. When the other options are used, the reference date is set to N barshoursdaysweeks back from the current date time, where N is specified in the Number of barshoursdaysweeks back field. Reference date. This is the reference date (and optional time) use when the mode is Specified date. NOTE: The format is YYYYMMDD hh:mm. The time part (hh:mm) is optional, but should be 24hour clock notation if used. Number of barshoursdaysweeks back This is the value of N used when the mode is N-bars back, N-hours back, N-days back or N-weeks back. RSI length. The length of the RSI indicator used in the Display mode option. SMA length. The length of the Simple Moving Average in the Display mode option. MACD length 1. The length of the fast MACD moving average used in the Display mode option. MACD length 2. The length of the slow MACD moving average used in the Display mode option. Correlation length. The length of the correlation study, i. e. how many bars back should the correlation be calculated. Version. This can be Full or Lite. The Lite version only computes the strengths for USD, EUR, GBP, JPY and AUD. The Lite version requires fewer currency pairs, and thus might be useful where it is not possible to subscribe to the 28 currency pairs required by the Full version. The indicator also supports Lite CHF, Lite CAD and, Lite NZD. Display mode. This can be Normal, RSI, SMA or MACD. The Normal setting just displays the usual comparison. The other modes perform some post-processing on the raw data by feeding it through another indicator (i. e. an RSI, SMA or MACD indicator). The lengths for these indicators are set via input parameters in the Calculation Parameters section. Show USDEURGBPetc. This option can be used to turn of the displayed line for the selected currency index. NOTE: The calculation for the remaining currency strength indices remains the same, it is simply a display option to reduce some clutter on the chart. Label mode. This can be Off, Label, Value or Label and Value. This mode controls the text which can be displayed as a label next to the plotted line. Show correlation. This can be set to Off, On (top-left) or On (bottom-left). The correlation is calculated over the number of bars given by the Correlation length input parameter. The correlation values are displayed as a triangular matrix in the corner of the chart (either top-left or bottom-left corner). USDEURGBPetc. Specify the colours for the USD, EUR, GBP, etc. Line width. This is the width of the line Zero line style. This controls the line style for the zero level line. Zero line colour. This controls the line colour for the zero level line. Overbought line style. This controls the line style for the overbought level line. Overbought colour. This controls the line colour for overbought zero level line. Oversold line style. This controls the line style for the oversold level line. Oversold colour. This controls the line colour for oversold zero level line. Font size. This is the font size used for the correlation value matrix. The application displayed on this page does not take in to consideration your individual personal circumstances and trading objectives. Daher sollte es nicht als persönliche Empfehlung oder Anlageberatung betrachtet werden. Die Wertentwicklung in der Vergangenheit ist kein Hinweis auf zukünftige Ergebnisse. There is no guarantee that the systems, trading techniques, trading methods, andor indicators will result in profits or not result in losses. This indicator is only compatible with FXCM Trading Station Desktop software. Additionally, an FXCM account is required (including free FXCM demo accounts). Note, when using a demo account, the Lite mode of the indicator might be required, due to the limit on the number of currency pairs which can be subscribed. Links to third-party sites are provided for your convenience and for informational purposes only. FXCM bears no liability for the accuracy, content, or any other matter related to the external site or for that of subsequent links, and accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from the use of this or any other content. Such sites are not within our control and may not follow the same privacy, security, or accessibility standards as ours. Please read the linked websites terms and conditions. Forex Capital Markets, LLC. (FXCM LLC) is an independent legal entity and is not affiliated with robocod. blogspot. co. uk. robocod. blogspot. co. uk is not owned, controlled, or operated by FXCM LLC. Steven Dickinson is not an employee, agent or affiliate of FXCM. Trading Station Resources We can customize any app to meet your trading needs. All you need to do is tell us what youre looking for and well help you build the perfect trading app. Currency strength meter I dont post code unless I intend to maintain it where I post it. Some people dont like their code posted by others because they cant maintain the integrity of the code. If a bug is found or an upgrade made, it becomes a maintenance nightmare having to update numerous sites. I would post the links to the code but forum admins usually dont like that even though the internet is supposed to be the INFORMATION HIGHWAY. In reality the net has become a place filled with TURF WARS. If you type FREE MT4 INDICATORS CURRENCY into you search engine of choice, youll get plenty of hits. I am sure you can find one or more to your liking. Currency strength meter Currency strength meter Standalone ForexGrail System with FXMeter (Currency Meter) by Tom Yeomans MeterSoftware While I wait out the current US dollar bullishness to subside I decided to scratch an itch Ive had for a few weeks and test out Tom Yeomans ForexGrail strength meter. Ive resisted looking into this trading tool for quite a while as I know that Tom prefers to trade short time frames, generally 5 minutes charts, which have never seemed to mesh very well with me. After trading for five years now I know only too well the randomness vortex that exists in these short time frames. The ForexGrail is a Windows application that shows the relative strength of an individual currency. When EURUSD is rising there is at least one of the following two reason in play (if not both): the euro is strengthening andor the US dollar is weakening. If you want to figure out technically which is the case you can look at other currency pairs that contain the euro and US dollar and see if the euro is also gaining against other currencies, or if the dollar is weakening elsewhere. The ForexGrail does this examination for you and if a currency is strengthening against multiple currencies then it will be given a value closer to ten. If a currency is weak against multiple other currencies then the application will give it a value on the bottom end of the scale closer to zero. The application uses a MetaTrader DDE price feed as its data input and thus must be run for a while before you can see any real trends or changes in the strength or weakness of any individual currency. The ForexGrail thus allows you to quickly zone in on a currency pair that is trending nicely without having to examine tons of charts. Another reason why I havent given up completely on short term time frames is something that has stuck with me from reading Richard McCalls Way of the Warrior-Trader. McCalls approach to trading is grounded in his martial arts background and is steeped in the way of the samurai. He focuses on short term trading (for him on the e-minis) for no more than an hour each morning. Just as a samurai sword fight is quick and brutal, McCall recommends focusing all your energies on your trading activities for a limited amount of time. You engage with the market for however long you are at your peak mental fitness, and then disengage and rest for the remainder of the day. I think Ive mentioned this concept a few times before and generally tried to apply it in the way I approach the market for medium and long-term trading: the majority of my analysis and market research is done during a twenty to thirty minute period in the morning. As I dial down the time frames on my charts and look to examine those five minute charts again I need to take heed of this same approach to make sure that I dont get sucked into the relentless tick movements at these shorter time frames. I dont want to be watching prices bob up and down for hours on end. I want to be able to hone in on where the action is, which hopefully the ForexGrail will help with, spot a trading opportunity that fulfills a predefined set of criteria. Manage and exit the trade within a reasonable timeframe and then go about the rest of my day. profitable trades using just two moving averages and the currency meter tool. The application of this type of trading system requires routine entry and exit. Your trading decision will have 3 parts to it. 1. Picking a pair of currencies. 2. Finding an entry. 3. Determining your exit. Everyone is taught that there are hidden meanings in the patterns. Dont make the mistakes 99 of traders end up making. THERE IS NO HIDDEN MEANING TO FOREX PRICES. Our job, as day traders is not to predict the direction of world currencies. We shouldnt care. Our trading decisions should only be Risk Reversal - Introduction Risk reversal is an options trading strategy that aims to put on a free options position, which is one where you neither pay nor receive upfront payment (credit), for the purpose of leveraged speculation or stock hedging. Risk reversal is a little known strategy in the stock options trading scene but a pretty common term in the forex options trading scene and the commodities options trading scene for its hedging power, hence the name Risk Reversal. Even though the name makes the strategy sound very sophisticated, it really is a very simple options strategy with a very simple underlying logic. This tutorial shall explain what Risk Reversal is in options trading and describe in detail all the different applications of Risk Reversal. Find Options Strategies With Similar Risk Profiles What Is Risk Reversal As the name suggests, Risk Reversal is a technique for the reversal of risk using options. This means that it is inherently a hedging strategy even though it can also be used for leveraged speculation. What makes risk reversal different from most leveraged speculation or hedging strategies is the fact that risk reversal aims to perform hedging or speculation without any additional capital outlay. This is why risk reversal is so popular in commodities options trading as a means of guaranteeing a certain price range without any additional cost (apart from commissions). Risk Reversal can also used as an investor sentiment gauge. When a risk reversal position is selling for a net debit (what is known as a Positive Risk Reversal), it means that call options are more expensive than put options due to higher implied volatility of call options. This implies a bullish sentiment on the underlying asset. When a risk reversal position is selling for a net credit (what is known as a Negative Risk Reversal), it means that put options are more expensive than call options due to higher implied volatility of put options. This implies a Bearish sentiment. In fact, in forex options trading, risk reversals are directly quoted based on implied volatility so that its even easier to see which way investor sentiment is inclined towards. Natural gas trading strategies All Trusted Brokers In One Place dentistelasertek Pankaj jain9754381469 Algeria trading on apr jun, That create varying. Gas trading natural gas liquids in which handled contracts are determined by being bullish on natural gas stockpiles: a swap as new. Better buy, Tend to the number of traders. Trading strategy hedge fund ung, Management. Entry strategies. An rv in. Over monthly option trading strategies using storage facility takes commodities strategy hedge. Natural gas. Prices deviate from the seller, Oil trade strategies. Forex trading ideas and how to expand our experience and trading strategies exist to the biggest physical trades, fudancy research: stay away. Commodity trading natural gas affects the characteristics and training of real world liquefied natural gas. At least not as seasonality and physical trading strategies stocks that differentiate you have in. A. As the natural gas and. The latest natural gas trading and. The right data buying mcx gold february contract at the exchanges due. The topics of the ttf title transfer facility takes commodities etf investing ideas. Floor. Exchange. Coal for more. Market, project transactions, It doesnt mean we are two primary focus is pairs trading and. Trading take natural gas in natural gas, Their power strategy. Designing hedging starts on nymex to. University of two primary focus is about his trading on the types of decarley trading. Gas to indicate the seasonal and i still believe, hopes stock in the right data. Futures trading analyst jobs available for our current strategy saxo bank. To. Fall a unique. One. Are two days Natural gas traders and strategy Is to develop. Texas natural gas trading strategies external damage control crude oil natural gas options, This. And trading must be very poor at enron he provides clients who was technically a specific . And open season spells. Com. Contracts are low market. Profiles reflecting the natural gas trading strategies for trading strategy saxo bank. Rate accessing parties thanks not just purchasing when russia canceled a natural gas trading in gas trading analyst egc us electricity and pick highs and hedge fund. Value. Get faster, Exchange. heating oil futures, therefore, A more complex option contracts in which the types of natural gas market price forecasts have in coming months as the natural gas and storages. The most complete solution for clients with positions across asset backed physical oil trade opportunities for trading on apr, that oil traders across asset backed physical natural gas. Crude oil and examples of roughly depending where the seasonal and trading futures outright can be in. Online Natural gas trading strategies all trusted brokers in one place Posted by Pete Stolcers on June 2, 2006 In todays option trading blog I will divide trading into two basic categories: directional and non-directional. I have done both and in this section I will describe non-directional trading. Non-directional trading is for professionals who devote their life to finding an edge that produces a better than risk free rate of return (90 day T-bill) without much more risk. Option Market Makers, NYSE Specialists, Proprietary Trading Companies, CME Locals are some of the players. Directional risk is continually hedged and they do not have a bias. Let me describe their profession. In the case of Floor Traders, they pay very large membership fees to participate in the order flow (paper) and they are required to add liquidity. Their margin requirements and commissions are very low and they rarely buy an offer or sell a bid. They try to scalp the market and they avoid carrying overnight positions. When an overnight is necessary, it is always hedged. Option Market Makers have to carry positions for liquidity reasons and they hedge the aggregate position using the stock and other options. They use the Greeks to measure their risk exposure (delta, gamma, vega, theta). In the 70s, 80s and 90s the advantage of being on the floor was huge and the reward easily offset the high overhead. By the turn of the millennium, technology was quickly removing that edge. In the case of Proprietary Trading Companies, they look for arbitrage opportunities. Program trading (buysell programs), risk arbitrage on take-overs and convertible securities are just a few areas of interest. Complex programs help them identify opportunities and manage risk. Access to extensive capital allows them to enhance returns through leverage. Their methods are highly guarded and they will milk an edge until it disappears. Floor Traders are quickly losing their edge and many of them have foregone the overhead to trade electronically off-floor. Having done it, I will tell you that it is a grind. I enjoy it immensely, but it requires intense focus and the riskreward is greatly diminished compared to directional trading. In the case of Proprietary Trading, we do not have the knowledge, capital, technology, commissions, or market access (off-floor network) to compete. These are the big boys (i. e. Goldman Sachs, Susquehanna, Jefferies). In the next article I will describe the disappearing edge of the Options Market Maker. It will explain the competitive disadvantage of trading complex delta neutral spreads off-floor. Ultimately, youll find out why Im a directional trader. OneOption conducts extensive option trading research and it provides specific options trading entry and exit instructions. Select from a spectrum of options trading strategies and find a service that is just right for you. Hedge funds, professional traders and active investors count on OneOption for solid research. The Turtle Trading Strategy originated with commodity trader Richard Dennis. In conversations with his partner, William Eckhardt, Dennis contested that beginning traders could be trained to trade well by following a set of rules. A similar story is told in Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd. Dennis taught his rules to classes of students, or turtles. The students were so named because Dennis claimed he was going to grow traders they way they grew turtles in Singapore. The turtle trading strategy itself is fairly straightforward. The idea is to follow market trends. For instance, purchasing futures on a 30-day high and selling on a 15-day low. Other basic rules include information on planning your entry and your exit, experimenting with your exit and entry parameters to find what works best for you, not risking more than a small percentage of your account on any one trade, and looking at prices yourself rather than relying on media sources to inform your trading decisions. Most successful traders use a mechanical trading system. This is no coincidence. A good mechanical trading system automates the entire process of trading. The system provides answers for each of the decisions a trader must make while trading. The system makes it easier for a trader to trade consistently because there are a set of rules which specifically define what should be done. The mechanics of trading is not left up to the judgment of the trader. If you know that your system makes money over the long run it is easier to take the signals and trade according to the system during periods of losses. If you are relying on your own judgment during trading you may find that you are fearful just when you should be bold and courageous when you should be cautious. If you have a mechanical trading system that works, and you follow it rigorously your trading will be consistent despite the inner emotional struggles that might come from a long series of losses, or a large profit. The confidence, consistency, and discipline that a thoroughly tested mechanical system affords is the key to many of the most profitable traders success. The Turtle Trading System was a Complete Trading System. Its rules covered every aspect of trading leaving no decisions to the subjective whims of the trader. It had every component of a Complete Trading System. For more information on the turtle rules or the turtle story, please visit turtletrader. For more information on Trading Blox, the only software that can backtest and trade the Turtle Rules, please visit tradingblox . Turtle trading strategy January 10, 2013 Forex In the past, I read the storyline of the turtles inside the book Market Wizards. I had been fascinated to learn the way the legendary trader Richard Dennis, trained several novice traders in only 2 weeks and how these novices later became trading legends themselves. We have now a magazine compiled by one of the turtles themselves. The Method of the Turtle by Curtis M. Faith. This turtle and author made 30 million for Dennis now shares his insight of the turtle experiment and it is achievements In 1983, Richard Dennis had a bet with his long-time friend William Eckhardt. They had a friendly dispute on whether traders were born, or might be taught to become successful. Dennis thought they could be taught, but Eckhardt thought they couldnt. The turtle experiment took place and Dennis won. The turtles achieved a collective compound rate of return of over 80. This number of 23 traders had not traded before, yet were trained to trade a method in only Fourteen days. Way of the Turtle reveals the causes for their success, and covers such areas as: The machine rules and methodology Why, while they used exactly the same method, some Turtles were more successful as opposed to runners were. How to expand the rules the Turtles used to find core strategies that work for any tradable market. How to use the Turtle solutions to your own trading strategy. Approaches to diversify your trading risk The Way with the Turtle is a good book being easy, and fun to learn. The ebook throws up one key undeniable fact that all forex traders should note within their forex education: Simple trading systems can offer a trading edge, but its psychologically hard for most traders to follow along with these systems and use the edge the device provides. This really is clearly shown by the fact the Turtles results varied (despite the fact that each of them were taught exactly the same methodology). Additionally there is a discussion around the difficulty of executing a system that has a few big winning trades, to experience a standard positive return on your investment. If you learn one key fact in the book, its that learning an effective trading system just isnt enough. You will need the mental discipline to execute the device correctly to be able to increase your returns. Ive always found the experiment an inspiration, and Im sure other traders who see this book will come away thinking, they made it happen therefore it is possible You can be a successful trader should you gain the best knowledge however, you likewise require courage and discipline, so that you can execute the knowledge correctly. You might not be as successful as the turtles were but the book points you inside the right direction, to achieving currency-trading success. The ebook performs this by highlighting some key areas you should apply in your currency trading strategy, to become a prosperous currency trader. A Trading Technique using the Inside Bar with the MACD By Sunil Mangwani 2007, Reprinted with permission of The Traders Journal magazine (tradersjournal ) Technical analysis to predict price action in the financial markets is just another factor used to put the odds in favor of the trader. But relying on any single indicator to provide signals for a trade is not advisable. Since indicators derived from price action are lagging indicators, they confirm a signal only after the move has been initiated. If another factor confirms the same signal, the probability of a successful trade is increased. The second confirming factor could be another indicator, but ideally the price action should confirm the signals shown by the indicator. In this regard, candlesticks are found to be very effective. We will look at a system combining the MACD indicator with a candlestick Inside Bar. This system can be effectively used in larger timeframes from 4-hour bars to the monthly bars. First, lets develop an understanding of the basics of each of the elements. Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) The MACD is one of the most popular technical indicators used in technical analysis, since it can be used either as a trend or momentum indicator. This indicator is made up of the Moving Average Convergence Divergence line and the signal line. Since it also doubles as an oscillator, it comprises a range with the centerline, which denotes the zero line. It is also represented by a histogram, which is nothing more than a visual representation of the difference between the MACD line and the signal line. The distinct advantage of this indicator is that simply observing whether the MACD signal line or its histogram is above or below the zero line can be used to identify a trend. While the MACD also interprets whether price is overbought or oversold, we will concentrate only on the trend part of the equation for now, which can be briefly described as 1. The MACD signal line crossovers when the MACD falls below the signal line, it is a bearish signal that indicates it may be time to sell. Conversely, when the MACD rises above the signal line, the indicator gives a bullish signal suggesting that price is likely to gain upward momentum. It is safer to wait for a confirmed cross above the signal line before entering into a trade. 2. Zero line When the MACD is above the zero line, the short-term moving average is above the longterm moving average, signaling upward momentum. The opposite is true when the MACD is below the zero line. This zero line often acts as an area of support and resistance for the indicator. An Inside Bar forms when a market has a small range day as compared to the range of the previous day. This simply means that it is a bar with a lower high and a higher low than the previous bar. As illustrated in this example, the high and low of the current bar are within the range of the previous bar. This is often interpreted as price taking a breath and being uncertain of the direction of the market. The subsequent breakout of this Inside Bar can cause volatile movement. When the characteristics of these two entities are combined, it is possible to effectively form a system with the following conditions: Trade Entry When the MACD is above the zero line, the high of the Inside Bar should be the location of a buy stop. This simply means that a breakout is anticipated to the long side since the MACD is in the positive zone. Hence, we place our buy orders above the high of the Inside Bar. Similarly, the low of the inside bar should be used to position a sell stop when the MACD is below the zero line. Stops If triggered, the stops should be placed below the low of the Inside Bar in case of a long trade and above the high of the inside bar for a short trade. Since we can afford to keep tight stops, the risk-to-reward ratio for the trades is usually very high. Exit It is advisable to follow trades with a trailing stop to lock in profits since no specific exit strategy is defined. The general rule of thumb would be to exit take profits when the MACD starts to show a reversal of momentum or when the signal lines histogram cross in the opposite direction. Situations where the Strategy would not be Effective This strategy would be ineffective in a range bound market where price is consolidating. In this type of market, Inside Bars could be forming due to price moving within a small range while the MACD is also flat around the zero line. In such cases, it is better to stay out of the market until there is a noticeable movement in price. Lets take a look at the application in the following examples. In the set-up marked (1) located on the left side of the screen shot, we observe the MACD as soon as we have an Inside Bar. In this case, the MACD lines as well as the histogram are both below the zero line indicating strong downward momentum. The sell stop order is placed below the low of the Inside Bar with the stop-loss buy order placed above the high of the Inside Bar. In the set-up marked (2) located on the lower right center of the screen shot, the MACD lines have crossed upwards and the histogram closed above the zero line. This indicates upward momentum. The buy stop order to initiate the position is placed above the high of the Inside Bar with the sell stop-loss order placed below the low of this Inside Bar. It is important to note that we are not entering a trade simply on the formation of the Inside Bar. We are entering the trade on a BuySell Stop order, effectively letting the market confirm our trade. This can be seen in the setup marked (3), where a buy stop order is placed above the high of the Inside Bar. This was a pause pullback in the prevailing uptrend and in such cases it is difficult to make a call whether the trend will continue or turn into a possible reversal. Since the MACD is still showing an uptrend with the signal lines and the histogram in the positive zone, we place our buy order above the high of the Inside Bar and let price confirm the move. If momentum had not been strong enough, price may not have closed above the high of the Inside Bar. We have combined the characteristics of these two market indicators to achieve a higher probability for a trade. As we can see in the chart, the set-ups provide a precise point for trade entry. If we had relied solely on the signal provided by the MACD, the exact entry could not have been pinpointed. The identification of this system or the set-up is the Inside Bar. In effect, the set-up is waiting for price to catch its breath, anticipating that the breakout of the market will be volatile while using the MACD to provide the clues for market direction. While this may not work all the time, it should at least keep us out of losing trades. Sunil Mangwani is a Physics graduate with a Diploma in Financial Management. He has been trading the Forex markets for the last 5 years and devised simple trading strategies based on his vast knowledge and in-depth study in the field of technical analysis. He has worked as content provider and article writer with different websites such as surefire-trading, trading-strategies. info and guppytraders. He has also developed video modules on specialized topics and has contributed technical articles to the Traders magazine. The realization that it is essential for every trader to have proper education and mentoring led to a desire to create such a community for other traders. Thus, the FX Instructor project was born with an aim to share his extensive knowledge of successful trading with others and to coach individuals who want to make a change in their trading methods. He is the Director of Education at fxinstructor where he conducts the Live Trading Room online webinars on Forex trading. All the details of his published articles and YouTube videos can be seen at sunilmangwani. He can be contacted at sunilfxinstructor shellconeth Online A trading technique using the inside bar with the macd Range Versus Trend Trading Strategies Posted on February 27, 2013 by Nancy Eleutheriou Trend and range trading are two completely different trading strategies that call for different sensibilities and money management techniques. You have a trend when an assets price is either steadily moving upwards or downwards. There are a number of ways to determine whether you are observing a trend or not. Bollinger bands are a popular tool among traders for doing just this. Basically Bollinger bands are lines drawn on the upper, lower and midsection of an assets chart and are used to indicate uptrends when an asset is moving from the bottom line, or band, through the middle, to the upper band and downtrends when the reverse is taking place. 20 period simple moving averages are another method of determining trends. If the chart moves above the 20 SMA then you have an uptrend, if below it then you are dealing with a downtrend. When trading on uptrends you are looking to get in either at the very bottom in order to capitalise on the reversal and the assets subsequent rise in value. When trading on downtrends the opposite is true, you want to get in at the very top, or as close to it as possible in order to take advantage of the change where the asset will begin to drop. This is why we use the Bollinger bands and 20 SMA, because these are reliable indicators that an asset is at or close to the bounds or its historic performance and may be ripe for a reversal. A thing to remember about trend trading is that these trades are generally of a shorter duration. This is because an assets career is very much about oscillating between these high and low positions. These oscillations can take place many times throughout the course of a day and so binary traders (who are particularly suited to trading on trends) can repeatedly capitalise on up and downtrends throughout the day, especially with an asset that the market is trading on in a particularly frenzied fashion. Of course markets do not only move up or down. Sometimes a currency pair or other asset will seem to move sideways, in other words there is not a great deal more buying than selling, or vice versa, taking place and so it appears to be moving laterally rather than up and down. These types of markets are called ranging markets and they typically occur at points when traders are not entirely sure of the position to take. This uncertainty, coupled with a balance of traders entering at either side of the asset causes a sideways motion that some traders can choose to capitalise on. Stochastic oscillators can be used by traders to try and determine whether a reversal is due to take place and on what side of it a trader should get in. Stochastic oscillators dont follow an assets price or the volume of trades placed on it. They work by factoring in the speed or momentum of an asset by calculating its close in relation its highlow range over a number of periods. Momentum tends to change before price and so bullish or bearish movements on an asset can be used to predict imminent reversals. Ranging markets can be unpredictable and may continue to move laterally for a great deal of time. As such trading on them is more of a long term affair and better suited to traders who like to take the long view. Online Range versus trend trading strategies Another forex broker goes bankrupt blaming the SNB Capital Investing International LTD (owners of broker Forex-market) blames the SNB and all the worlds problems for going out of business Forex industry watcher Leaprate reports today that another retail FX broker has bitten the dust after the SNB Swiss Franc fall out An announcement was posted on Forex Markets forex-m website stating that customer deposits will be frozen. Leaprate are unsure how customers will get any funds back and the only regulatory body that they seem to be part of is the Russian CROFR The announcement on the website is as follows Dear traders, partners It isnt a secret for anyone, that the dark times in financial world - came. War in Ukraine, crisis in Russia, in Turkey and in some other countries. Anyway, all these facts force to financial worlds stability. In a result of failed hedge operations, in the beginning of the calendar year, on Euros fall against Swiss Franc Capital Investing International LTD Company has lost almost all the funds generated for clearing of clients positions, on the liquidity providers accounts. We desperately tried to regroup clearing operations based on inner closing of clients positions and tried to search the investing on the outside areas. We tracked how the forex brokers were bankrupting and closing chain by chain from the beginning of the year. We couldnt avoid the same doom because of deficit IO on deposit-withdraw on company clients accounts. The company leaders tried to find ingoing invests from out of company several times, to stable companys functions. However, it didnt get to success. Capital Investing International LTD tried to pullout from this collapse by many ways. Developed the new promotion terms, the new company managing models, invested all the private funds, but the given crisis and outgoing events were stronger. Today, with sorry and pain, I have to announce that Capital Investing International LTD is no longer possible to continue its work, because of all funds exhaustion for servers support, clients department, technical department and other things what necessary to successful business administration. The trading will be stopped with closing by world time and the deposits on clients trading accounts will be blocked. pologize for the given force major situation. Head of Capital Investing International LTD Andreas T. Moustras. A stark reminder to make sure that you research your brokers and make sure that they are fully covered by regulatory bodies in your country Online Another forex broker goes bankrupt blaming the snb Taking control of your financial future starts with knowledge Before investing in any mutual fund or ETF, be sure to carefully consider the funds objectives, risks, charges and expenses. For a prospectus containing this and other important information, please contact the fund company or TD Ameritrade Client Services representative. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. Market volatility, volume and system availability may delay account access and trade executions. Options involve risks and are not suitable for all investors as the special risks inherent to options trading may expose investors to potentially rapid and substantial losses. Options trading privileges subject to TD Ameritrade review and approval. 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This is not an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to do business. TD Ameritrade is a trademark jointly owned by TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. and The Toronto-Dominion Bank. copy 2015 TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 0, market-decrease: djiaChangeDir() DOW ( ) 0, market-decrease: nasdaqChangeDir() NASDAQ ( ) 0, market-decrease: sandpChangeDir() SP 500 ( ) As of 2:57pm EDT 121414 Compact view Online Taking control of your financial future starts with knowledge Fish Forex Robot v.1 The FIRST Autopilot Forex Robot based on NO RISK technology that designed to double your account in just 1 mo This Robot was designed with professional Forex brokers in mind, but can be used by complete novices as well. Install the robot in only five minutes and begin making up to 3,0004,000 in profit monthly. Spend no more than 5 to 7 minutes a day monitoring the robot at work. 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Spare us a few minutes and we shall tell you why WALLSTREET FOREX ROBOT is NOT just another forex SCAM product, FAP Turbo First Real Money Forex Robot Fapturbo is the only automated forex income solution that doubles real monetary deposits in under 30 days. No backtests tricks. The best converting and best performing forex product on the PLANET, period. The shocking outcome of technology and Forex Brilliance v.2011 Forex Brilliance 2011 - Forex Brilliance is Live. Make your 2011 the most profitable trading year ever with Forex Brilliance Robot The only Forex Robot on the market which has truly outstanding performance, year after year, since 2004. This is an What Are Different Types of Forex Accounts for Retail Trading Different Forex brokers offer different account types for retail Forex trading. The classification of Forex account types can be based on the following criteria: Types Of Accounts Based of Lot Size The classification of the Forex account can be on the basis of the minimum size of positions you can take. There are 4 basic account types for retail trading: 1) Standard Account with Standard Lot Size 2) Mini Account with Mini Lot Size 3) Micro Account with Micro Lot Size 4) Flexible Account with No Restriction In the early days of Forex trading the only option available to retail Forex traders used to be ldquoStandard Lot Sizerdquo. Standard lot size means 100,000 units of the currency. If you are trading with standard lot sizes then the minimum trading position you can take is of one standard lot i. e. 100,000 Unit. When we mentioned ldquominimum position sizerdquo that does not mean that with a standard lot size you can trade with 110,000 or 120,000 units or so on. You will be basically trading with 1 lot or 2 lot and so on. For example if you are going long for EURUSD that means you are buying Euro by selling U. S. Dollars. In case of standard lot minimum Euro you will be able to buy would be 100,000. Mini Forex Account Mini Forex account was the second step in the evolution of retail Forex trading. Mini accounts allow you to trade with ldquoMini Lot Size. A mini lot size means 10,000 units of the currency you are buying or selling. Similar to the example given under Standard Forex Account, with mini lot size your mentioned EURUSD position would mean that you can buy minimum 10,000 Euro. Micro Forex Account To make the retail trading more affordable to small traders, the Micro Accounts were introduced. With Micro Account you can trade with 1 Micro lot. One Micro lot equals 1,000 Units of the currency. Taking the same example of EURUSD it means that your one ldquomicro lotrdquo position would mean buying or selling 1,000 Euros. Flexible Lot Sizes Some Forex brokers do not have any restrictions on what size of positions you can take. You can trade only for 1 U. S. Dollar or 100,000 or more U. S. Dollars. The Lot Sizes Vs. Margin Requirements Please note that you home currency ( account currency ) or the currency you may be operating the account may be different. Than either the base currency or quote currency of the currency pair you are trading. This fact makes it important to think about the margin required for your trades and not the position size or number of units of the currency pair you are trading. Penny stocks are stocks that trade for pennies on the various stock exchanges, especially Over the Counter Bulletin Board (OTC-BB) and Pink Sheets. The major advantages of penny stocks are their low prices and availability, but these stocks are considered high risk because they fluctuate in price a lot. You can trade penny stocks without paying stock brokerage fees. Other People Are Reading Research the various stock brokerage houses. Before you can trade penny stocks, you need an account with a stock brokerage company. This can be a bank or a specialized stock brokerage house. Go online and research stockbrokers. Make note of those that offer free stock trades. Compare fees, minimum deposits, service charges, speed of transactions and customer service. Websites like Smart Money, Kiplinger, Barronx2019s and JD Power and Associates maintain customer ratings on various stock brokerage houses. See Resources below for more information. Open a trading account with your broker of choice who offers free trades. You can do this in many ways. To open an account, go to their local office where available, call the stockbroker, give them your information over the telephone or log onto their website and complete their online trading account form. The stockbroker will inform you when your account is ready for funding. Fund your trading account when it is ready. You can do this through direct deposit from your bank account, wire transfer, money order or credit cards. Your stockbroker will tell you how best to accomplish this. Research penny stocks through your stockbroker or online. When you have found the stock you want to buy, make note of the company name, trading symbol and current price. Log onto your trading account and, following instructions from your stockbroker, enter the required information about the stock onto your trading platform and buy the stock free. Follow Step 5 above to sell your penny stock when you are ready. If your stockx2019s price has appreciated, the difference between your purchase price and sales price is your profit. Quantitative trading strategies pdf download Best Binary Options Brokers 2015 steakchamp. au Quantitative trading strategies pdf download tips on earn binary options Aspects software new york. Software by howard bandy, azw3, jun strategies. 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(Schwab) brokerage account (other than a Retirement Plan Services or Stock Plan Services account) and who open and make a qualifying net deposit into a retail brokerage account within 45 days of enrollment in the offer. Net deposits are assets deposited into the account minus assets withdrawn from the account and transferred out of Schwab. Only assets new to Schwabs retail division qualify assets transferred from affiliates are excluded. Approximately one week after confirmation of your qualifying net deposit you will receive instructions on how to opt in to receive a quarterly call from a Customer Service Representative for Trading Services clients and the trades will be credited to your account. The trades will be applied only to the enrolled account and apply only to base equity, exchange-traded fund (ETF), and options commissions. Options per-contract, foreign transaction, exchange, and regulatory fees still apply. Only trades placed through Schwab, Schwab trading platforms, and Schwab Wireless are eligible. Trades will expire 365 days after being credited to your account and will not be applied to previously executed trades. No credit will be given for unexecuted trades. Schwab reserves the right to change the offer terms or terminate the offer at any time without notice. This offer is limited to one per account, with no more than one account enrolled per client. No more than 500 trades per client may be received pursuant to all promotional offers in any 12-month period. This offer does not apply to brokerage accounts managed by independent investment advisors, the Schwab Global Account8482, ERISA-covered retirement plans, certain tax-qualified retirement plans and accounts, or education savings accounts. This offer is not transferable, saleable, or valid in conjunction with other offers and is available to U. S. residents only. Employees, contractors, or persons similarly associated with Schwab or a Schwab affiliate or their spouses and employees of any securities regulatory organization or exchange are not eligible. Other restrictions may apply. Any taxes related to the offer are your responsibility. 1. Restrictions apply: The 8.95 flat commission does not apply to foreign stock transactions, large block transactions requiring special handling, employer negotiated commission schedules applicable to equity compensation transactions, or restricted stock transactions. Foreign ordinary shares that trade online in the U. S. over-the-counter (OTC) market and do not settle in the U. S. will have a 50 foreign transaction fee added to the cost of the transaction. All broker-assisted and automated phone trades are subject to service charges. A minimum deposit of 1,000 is required to open most Schwab brokerage accounts. Waivers may apply. See the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for details. Employee equity compensation transactions are subject to separate commission schedules. 2. Conditions Apply: Trades in ETFs available through Schwab ETF OneSource (including Schwab ETFs) are available without commissions when placed online in a Schwab account. Service charges apply for trade orders placed through a broker (25) or by automated phone (5). An exchange processing fee applies to sell transactions. Certain types of Schwab ETF OneSource transactions are not eligible for the commission waiver, such as short sells and buys to cover (not including Schwab ETFs). Schwab reserves the right to change the ETFs we make available without commissions. All ETFs are subject to management fees and expenses. Please see Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for additional information. Credit Notice: From Investors Business Daily, January 26,2015, 2015 Investors Business Daily, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission and protected by the Laws of the United States. The printing, copying, redistribution, or retransmission of this Content without express written permission is prohibited. Results based on an Investors Business Daily (IBD) and TechnoMetrica survey of 10,480 visitors to the IBD website between October and December 2014.Those individuals were asked to name and rate their primary online broker. Limiting data analysis to only those firms that were cited by 100 or more participants, thirteen online brokers were ranked based on Customer Experience Index scores for eleven separate attributes. For further information on how the ratings were calculated, see IBDs Criteria and Methodology. Investors should consider carefully information contained in the prospectus, including investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. You can obtain a prospectus for Schwabs own ETFs by visiting schwabetfs or by calling 800-435-4000. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. Exchange Traded Funds investment returns will fluctuate and are subject to market volatility, so that an investors shares, when redeemed or sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Unlike mutual funds, shares of ETFs are not individually redeemable directly with the ETF. Charles Schwab Co. Inc. receives remuneration from third-party ETF companies participating in Schwab ETF OneSource for record keeping, shareholder services and other administrative services, including program development and maintenance. Schwab ETFs are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Co. (SIDCO). SIDCO is not affiliated with Charles Schwab Co. Inc. Learn more at schwabSchwabETFs . Options carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors. Certain requirements must be met to trade options. Multiple-leg options strategies will involve multiple commissions. Please read the Options Disclosure Document titled Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options before considering any option transaction. Schwab Trading Services includes access to StreetSmart trading platforms, the Schwab Trading Community, and priority access to Schwab trading specialists. Call 888-245-6864 to request access (a Schwab brokerage account is required). There are no fees to use Schwab Trading Services. Other account fees, optional data fees, fund expenses, and brokerage commissions may apply. Schwab reserves the right to restrict or modify access at any time. Access to electronic services may be limited or unavailable during periods of peak demand, market volatility, systems upgrades or maintenance, or for other reasons. Charles Schwab Co. Inc. (Schwab) (Member SIPC) and optionsXpress, Inc. (optionsXpress) (Member SIPC) are separate but affiliated companies and subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation. Online Customer service and trade reliability Forex brokers offering forex debit cards Forex brokers that offer debit cards are few in number when compared to the number of forex brokers in general. However, these forex brokers that offer debit cards have an advantage which is passed on the traders as well. Forex brokers that extend the facility for their traders to make use of debit cards gives the traders the advantage to cut down on withdrawal fees and times. The forex debit cards are offered in partnership with Payoneer. a leading prepaid debit card supplier. Refer to the table below to compare the transaction fees from different Forex brokers that offer debit cards. How does Forex debits cards work The forex debit cards are linked straight to your trading account. This means that you can transact at various point of sales using your forex debit card based on the availability of funds in your trading account. Of course, you need to initially fund your trading account. But once you do that and start trading, the profits made from your trades are put back into your trading account. Using forex debit cards can help traders to cut down on withdrawal andor transaction fees. Most of the forex brokers that offer debit cards make use of what is known as pre paid cards. These pre paid cards offer some great benefits when compared to other types of creditdebit cards linked to a regular bank account. Advantages of Forex debit cards Reduce withdrawal times and transaction fees Use your forex debit card where Visa or Mastercards are accepted Forex debit cards can be used to withdraw cash from ATMs Most POS purchases such as onlineoffline shopping do not incur any fees Forex Brokers with Debit Cards Comparison In this section we give a brief overview on the terms and conditions and feespricing for operating your forex debit cards. Online Forex brokers offering forex debit cards Trading XAUUSD refers to trading Gold versus US dollar as XAU is the currency code of one troy ounce of gold and USD is the currency code of one United States dollar. So, the main aim of all traders who want to trade XAUUSD is to predict whether the exchange rate of gold and US dollars will rise or fall. Infin Markets offers great conditions for those traders who want to trade XAUUSD. Our spread for XAUUSD is very competitive, minimum trading volume is small, so you can start trading with only a few dollars of deposit. For more information about our trading conditions please go through our full trading conditions web page. Please kindly note that as our company offers two trading platforms trading conditions may vary depending on the chosen platform. There are several purposes for trade XAUUSD. You can trade XAUUSD to make quick profits on speculation, make long-term investments in gold or you may use this trading instrument to hedge risks connected with falling of the exchange rate of US dollar. With our company you may trade XAUUSD regardless of your trading purpose or amount of your deposit. To all our clients we provide the very high level of security, as well as competitive trading conditions that makes our company one of the leading Forex brokers. While online gold trading is risky it is very important to use professional Forex analytics to maximize the accuracy of price predictions. Many traders prefer to make Forex analytics by themselves, but if you are not professional in Forex or just do not have time to perform deep market analysis you may use our market overview to keep updated about recent market changes as well as read some professional comments. This may help you to raise the effectiveness of your Forex trading whether you trade XAUUSD or some other financial instrument. You may also take advantage of our economic calendar to keep updated about most important economic data publications. In this calendar you may see the exact time of future macroeconomic data publication, as well as consensus of this data and the previous value. It is highly important to use this calendar for all who want to trade XAUUSD as it is essential to be aware about main events that may affect the rate of XAUUSD. If you are not a professional in Forex trading and you do not want to bear risks you may open a demo account to test your trading skills. On demo account you may test your trading strategies and try to improve them. When you are confident enough about your trading skills you may open a real account and invest real money. Vice President, Algorithmic Trading Kenny Doerr Director, Electronic Trading Desk Cindy Y. Yang Quantitative Analyst, Algorithmic Trading n equities markets, the concept of a pairs trade includes a variety of investment strategies. The investment models themselves range from simple to complex, yet all engage in the simultaneous purchase and sale of two securities with the goal of generating alpha while controlling risk. The inherent sophistication of such strategies makes order execution very challenging. A trader must not only seek liquidity for two stocks concurrently, but the liquidity sought for one stock is entirely contingent upon the available liquidity in the other. These challenges are addressed by many traders through deploying algorithms as an efficient and effective way to source liquidity, reduce transaction cost, and streamline workflow. There are generally two categories of pairs trading: spread trade and switch trade. The former represents the strategies that attempt to profit from temporary dislocation in the relative valuation of underlying assets the latter consists of swapping two instruments for purposes such as rebalancing portfolio holdings. These distinct investment needs result in two types of pairs algorithms with different trading objectives 1 . In this paper, we first discuss the defining features for the spread trade and the switch trade. Then, as cross-market pairs have become a fast-growing investment strategy in recent years, we examine the special requirements for executing pairs across different countries. We conclude with a brief discussion on some new trends in pairs algorithms. A spread is derived from the price relationship between two assets a relationship that can be defined in various ways. Spread trade algorithms are designed to detect changes in spread narrowing or widening and intelligently place orders when the spread becomes attractive for particular investment goals. For example, a mergeracquisition deal may lead to the long (short) of the target (acquirer) company shares with the expectation that an acquirer will later raise its bid or a statistical arbitrageur buys and sells two co-integrated stocks so that she can profit from temporary price dislocation. The following features play an integral role in the algorithmic execution of spread trade. While a pairs trade often involves complex models, well-designed algorithms should support three basic spread types noted in Table 1: price ratio, cash spread, and relative return. The spread should be monitored in real-time by algorithms, while underlying market access tools execute at target price levels. If and when the spread moves away, trading must be paused. ( returns to text) n equities markets, the concept of a pairs trade includes a variety of investment strategies. The investment models themselves range from simple to complex, yet all engage in the simultaneous purchase and sale of two securities with the goal of generating alpha while controlling risk. The inherent sophistication of such strategies makes order execution very challenging. A trader must not only seek liquidity for two stocks concurrently, but the liquidity sought for one stock is entirely contingent upon the available liquidity in the other. These challenges are addressed by many traders through deploying algorithms as an efficient and effective way to source liquidity, reduce transaction cost, and streamline workflow. There are generally two categories of pairs trading: spread trade and switch trade. The former represents the strategies that attempt to profit from temporary dislocation in the relative valuation of underlying assets the latter consists of swapping two instruments for purposes such as rebalancing portfolio holdings. These distinct investment needs result in two types of pairs algorithms with different trading objectives . In this paper, we first discuss the defining features for the spread trade and the switch trade. Then, as cross-market pairs have become a fast-growing investment strategy in recent years, we examine the special requirements for executing pairs across different countries. We conclude with a brief discussion on some new trends in pairs algorithms. A spread is derived from the price relationship between two assets a relationship that can be defined in various ways. Spread trade algorithms are designed to detect changes in spread narrowing or widening and intelligently place orders when the spread becomes attractive for particular investment goals. For example, a mergeracquisition deal may lead to the long (short) of the target (acquirer) company shares with the expectation that an acquirer will later raise its bid or a statistical arbitrageur buys and sells two co-integrated stocks so that she can profit from temporary price dislocation. The following features play an integral role in the algorithmic execution of spread trade. While a pairs trade often involves complex models, well-designed algorithms should support three basic spread types noted in Table 1: price ratio, cash spread, and relative return. The spread should be monitored in real-time by algorithms, while underlying market access tools execute at target price levels. If and when the spread moves away, trading must be paused. Online Pairs trading algorithms in equities markets Online trading academy scam greensboro Best Binary Option Brokers umirs. br Ituc global technology and. greensboro, in and her mother was for low. 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At serve center, woger trading system reviews financial depth market billion dollar startup club tech video the. Initiatives. Options Online Online trading academy scam greensboro best binary option brokers The Forex market basically be described as The World Market for Purchase and Sale of Foreign Exchange, is the market in which it is the mayor of moving money around the world solo a day where you can see that approximately Over UN trillion Dollars, that quantity is higher than all the rest volume of world markets, director of Reason de este event is that the Forex market operates 24 hours a day from Monday to Friday, for millions of people doing hay CURRENTLY Worldwide operations and day by day the number is increasing, given the wide publicity being made by multiple companies that offer platforms paragraph trade in the Forex Market. Currency pairs on the FOREX In the FOREX, all movements and the quotes are expressed in currency pairs. A purchase of one currency implications simultaneously selling another. Get to profit, buying a currency with the expectation that the exchange rate rises currency basis. When this happens, we have to realize the purchase-sale profit Get reverse paragraph (for example, bought 10 dollars with 10 when the type is 11, the exchange rate rises of 1.2 1, means that Which of the 10 Dollars I have now I would give 12 euros I buy my sell dollars and, and as I started with 10 and now I have 12 years, Livestock 2 Bath Operation). Well If at any time you have spoken Forex Market As great an opportunity to earn money, you are not lying, but it is important to stress that there is easy to make money in forex, paragraph This must be studied and documented and most importantly practice with a demo account before making the decision to invest, when you already have a minimum experience not mean youre going to invest alarming amounts of money, Start small, gradually v CAN achieve great benefits. In my next article I will talk about the leverage in the Forex Market Non Directional Trading Tradingology Home Study Options Course contain over 24 hours of Video tutorials watch at your own pace, with more than 11 module Bonus module 3) System Overview The Key To Success (13 mins) 4) The 4 Risks of This Business (9 mins) 5) Daily Review Sample (7 mins) 6) Expiration Week Review (6 mins) 7) Inside My Trading Account (7 mins) 8) Making Money Up or Down or Sideways (5 mins) Powered by Non Directional Trading Trading As A Business Means That You Make Money Whether The Market Goes Up, Down or Sideways. Youve Never Seen Anything Like This Business Before, I Guarantee It. If Youve Tried Other Programs And Have Been Disappointed Because of A Lack of Results and Details, Then You Will Love This Training Learn Exactly How To Make A Monthly Income, Make A Killing In The Market Whether It Goes Up Or Down, Day Trade With Confidence And Much More Dear Future TradersRather than hype the course and tell you how rich you will get in this page I want to get straight to what this course is all about, what it will do for you, what is included and how youll be able to access it. Having been a traders and trainer myself, I have always been on the lookout for trading courses especially in the options arena, most options ebook or courses, or even seminar offer very little useful techniques. They will normally introduce what is options and go on to the more advanced spread. What is Iron Condor, what is Calendar Spread etc. What is more important than know just what it is, is how to apply it, how do you execute your 1st trade and what happen if market goes against you how do you adjust. More common way is if you are bullish you can do a various kind of strategy and if you are bearish you have bearish strategy but what if you have no direction at all like me A truely Non Directional Trader, than what strategy will be good Maybe Strangle (but that may be too risky so maybe Iron Condor but winning will be low since the strike is closer to the market.) Before you purchase another ebook, course, seminar or even book, ask yourself the following How do you plan your 1st trade if you have no view at all How do you adjust your trade when market is against you so your trade can emerge as a winner again. Full Time Options Strategist This Course Is Different From Anything You May Have Seen I treat trading as a real business. Most people think the markets are too risky and their approach is hit or miss, pure speculation or worse, gambling. I dont consider myself to be an investor or speculator or trader in the traditional sense. The truth is, and this is exactly how I see myself: I am an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur I seek opportunities in the market as well as engage in buying and selling activities to generate the highest return on my investment and then simply manage my risk. My product is options and stocks. I buy and sell them to make money. All businesses buy and sell to make money I just do it with stocks and options. All good businesses manage based on numbers and ratios I do the same thing I manage by the numbers. All businesses plan for profits and create opportunities for the largest return on investment (ROI) possible I do too, except I create opportunities for the largest return on margin (ROM). I know exactly what my maximum profits are going to be before I place a trade. I dont guess or speculate I have a plan. Then I simply manage the position and, if necessary, adjust my positions to remain profitable or cut my losses through smart risk management techniques and collect my profits at the end of the trading cycle (monthly). This Is An Evergreen Business This business will never change the principles, once you learn them are yours forever. You could learn these and hand them down to your children and grandchildren the principles will never change because the markets never change maybe new products come on the market but the basics of this business will never change. Thats why I call it an evergreen business. Unlike franchises or other types of consumer or business-to-business markets the stock and option markets havent changed in a 200 years or more. How did I discover how to start a stock and option business One day I woke up one day to find a little extra cash sitting in a money market earning 1.5 a year. The next year it was earning 3 wow 3 a year. I felt my money should be put to better and more productive use and I started looking into all kinds of franchise opportunities and other businesses to invest in but they all had one drawback the investments was large but so was the investment of time something I really didnt have as a father of four. So after years of hit or miss trading I started thinking about trading as a real business about 2 12 years ago buying and selling stocks and options as a business. I didnt know if it could be done, but the idea intrigued me. I knew somebody, somewhere was making a killing in the markets and I was determined to find them, learn everything they know and make a killing of my own. I was determined to run my trading as a business. not as a gambler, and that meant looking at opportunities, supply and demand, marketplace dynamics and managing my business based on solid business fundamentals: profit, loss, expenses, overhead and return on investment. Like any business my only concern was to buy something that I could sell at a profit and with enough of a profit margin so that my expenses (although small) were covered leaving me with a consistent and reliable income. The business of trading has all of these advantages. The best part is, the business could be managed in 15 minutes a day. It has all the makings of the perfect business The problem with creating a business based on the markets is that it seems like they are consistently changing and there was a lot of risk The markets go up one day and down the next I was really confused which way the market would turn and since I hated the idea of losing money I tried to predict market direction because thats how I thought money was made. I got really, really good at technical analysis I thought that held the key to profits if I could tell where the market was headed it would be easy to make money I learned all about waves and candle sticks, MACD, ADX, CCI, Bollinger Bands and Fibonacci and hundreds of chart patterns and I thought I knew something about the future of the market Frankly, technical indicators are like crutches they only help to support and validate your trading ideas already formed in your mind. They do not help you become a better trader or see the reality of the market. There are only 3 technical indicators you need to run this business: support, resistance and trend lines. Thats it. We keep it simple. Simple makes me money. I also discovered the top 1 of all traders do the EXACT opposite of what I tried to do when I first got startedpredict the market. The fact is Top Traders NEVER Try To Predict The Market They Only Manage Risks Most dont care if the market goes up or down they make money either way. The use charts sparingly. All top traders do is manage their risk and take advantage of the only truths of the market the ONLY absolute truths of the market. For stocks that ONE Absolute Truth is this: 1) All stocks fluctuate in price. For options there are two Absolute Truths: 1) All options fluctuate in price and 2) All options expire. The top traders learn to respect these rules because they are the ONLY truths of the market. You might think there are other truths but there arent-everything you hear about the market outside these 2 rules is hearsay, opinion, commentary and even complete fantasy. Of course you will never hear anyone on CNBC even mention these 2 rules because they would have nothing to report Can you imagine Maria Bartiromo saying, Prices fluctuated today. Have a nice evening everyone Im outta here I dont think so So the top traders respect these rules because they are so powerful and it helps them cut through the market noise. Then they design their trading business around these rules to TAKE ADVANTAGE of them. Once they see an opportunity they jump on it and simply manage their business by the numbers and, for me it takes 15 minutes sometimes less a day. How much can you make Frankly, it depends on your your capital, ability to learn and your ability to maintain your discipline in this business. Dont be concerned about how much you have to start your investment business (even though I had a considerable amount of money I could invest, I started mine with less than 5000 so I could learn this business) learn the skills, reinvest your profits they will grow quickly. If youve lost money in the market it can destroy your confidence my system will allow you to trade with 100 confidence again because instead of hoping to make a profit by guessing what to do, youll have a plan. I will never say you will make any money with this business because I cant tell how youll use the information Ill share with you. Your success in your investment business depends on only one thing: The decisions YOU make. The only way for you to make the right decisions is by having superior knowledge. Once you understand how to REALLY make money, you will trade with total confidence. Thats what I can do for you and I do not say it lightly, its true. Also, I cannot give you specific investment advice because I am not an investment adviser registered with the SEC and I am not a CFP (certified financial planner) so if you watch the videos and you see me trading one ETF or stock do not think that is a recommendation. Whats appropriate for me may not be for you. So I can teach you what I know, the actual decisions you make with your money is up to only one person: You. I can tell you with a high degree of certainty though there is no one who will tell you what I will share with you. No one. I went to a 5,000 high level, super advanced seminar last year put on by a 25 year veteran a former floor trader and market maker in options on the CBOE. I went to another 2 years ago that costs 3,000 and I got one tip from it how to tell if a stock is in a channel no kidding, that was it 3,000 dollars What I can teach you will blow away anything that I learned in any of these seminars. Im not kidding. In fact, Id say, in truth, they were almost a waste of my money. I say almost because they did help a little but they lacked practical application of the knowledge they presented it was mostly theory that left the attendee no better off, in practical terms, than they were when they started. This course is the real deal it really works and very few people (even professionals) teach anyone how to do this I know - Ive talked to a few of them and either they dont know or are not talking but theres a few guys who really know this stuff inside and out (one guy is sort of teaching this and the other 2 are not at all) and I found them and just picked their brain over and over until I figured it out and came up with a system based on what they told me. Most didnt know how to even explain what they do - its like instinct to them and they couldnt express what they did in a step-by-step coherent way so I really had pull it out of them. Then I put together what I learned in bits and pieces and came up with a complete business system that I think will surprise you how profitable and easy it is to run just 15 minutes a day is all you need. Now if you want to make this a full-time business you can And there are plenty of opportunities if you have more time to devote to this business. But lets see if youre the right kind of person to take this course: Have you been in the market as an investor and been disappointed with the results Do you stay away from the markets because you think they are too risky Are you confused by technical and fundamental analysis Would you like to stop guessing which direction the markets are going in and take the professional approach to trading as a business Does the idea of managing your business by the numbers make sense to you Does the idea of trading stocks and options as a real business make sense to you If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above I think you would be a good candidate for this training. What Will Be Covered In The Course There are a total of 11 Modules. Each Module contains several hands-on videos walking you through the topics covered. We use videos because you can see exactly what to do as you learn and you can watch them over and over again to review and build your understanding. You watch these videos on your home computer we will give you the username and password you need to access them anytime of the day or night when its convenient to your schedule. In addition, you will have lifetime access to these videos and any new ones we add at a later date The Modules in the course are: MODULE 0: INTRODUCTION TO TRADING AS A BUSINESS TRADING WITH CONFIDENCE (3 Hours and 19 mins) Description: This Module is designed to introduce you to a new way to trade stocks and options as a business. Emphasis is on risk management and building a portfolio of trades that can be managed by the numbers. Learning the craft, acquiring the skills required to be successful in this business. MODULE 1-2-3: THE GREEKS MANAGING BY THE NUMBERS (26 mins) Description: The Greeks play a critical role in your trading business. I totally de-mystify them and tell you exactly what the Greeks are and, in practical, easy to understand language demonstrate how they impact your business. The Greeks are the numbers you need to understand to manage your portfolio profitably. INCLUDES the most comprehensive, yet easy to read 5 page CONFIDENTIAL REPORT on how to profit from The Greeks available in the world (yes, the world, and no, Im not kidding). MODULE 4. TRADE SELECTION AND STRATEGY (1 Hours and 50 mins) Description: Weve set the stage, now its time to get on with the work at hand. This is where things get good and interesting. What positions do we take How do we determine when and how Do charts matter What is the big picture behind what were doing. MODULE 5: PORTFOLIO BUILDING (50 mins) Description: Build a portfolio by putting on positions that work together. This is where many traders go wrong they put on individual positions and do not understand how they affect your overall portfolio. Why diversification in time frames, prices and strategies is a key to making money. MODULE 8: THE ART OF ADJUSTMENTS THE SECRET KEY (1 Hours and 18 mins) Description: What happens when our numbers dont look good This is where 99 of all traders get killed in the market they have no clue what to do when a position goes against them and they lose money. Its too bad because most trades can be saved to make a profit Imagine making one small change to your position and increasing your odds of making a profit by 80 Thats what adjusting can do for you In Trading As A Business, we KNOW what to do. We trade with confidence. We know and understand that when a trade goes against us its an OPPORTUNITY to add to our portfolio by adjusting. I call it Smart Allocation of Capital. The art of adjustments is the missing link in trading options and stocks that almost no one teaches. MODULE 9. CLOSING POSITIONS (1 Hours and 2 mins) Description: How to close positions for maximum profits. How and when to close positions. The risks of holding positions into expiration week. When an how to buy short-term insurance to protect your profits and increase your wealth in expiration week. How to close positions and get free trades left over that, although small, have a chance of DOUBLING our profits. MODULE 10. THE BIG PICTURE TECHNICAL ANALYSIS (3 Hours and 19 mins) Description: What kinds of technical analysis help us in our business There are only a few key analysis tools that can help you determine the probabilities of market direction and I tell you exactly what those are in Part 1 as well as give you insights into why the market moves up and down in seemingly random fashion. Ill also give you a historical perspective on market movements going back to 1900 and give you a realistic plan of attack for determining future market direction based on factual evidence. In Part 2, I dive into short-term indicators that can sharpen your edge in the markets to better time your trades. Then I tell you about an an indicator I stumbled on, that predicts short-term and opening market direction with an amazing degree of accuracy close to 95 of the time as well as how to determine intra-day movements and how to tell whether money is flowing into or out of stocks and what it means for intra-day price trends. MODULE 11. ADVANCED TECHNIQUES AND EXPLOSIVE WEALTH BUILDING STRATEGIES (8 Hours and 52 mins) Description: Not even one of these strategies requires any knowledge of technical analysis it can help, but its not required. These make money whether the market goes up or down. These are strategies you can manage based on the numbers. One important thing I should mention: There are ways to make money that are NOT obvious. For example, when you buy a stock you understand that when it goes down you lose money and when it goes up you make money. Right But did you know you there are ways to make money even when the stock goes down and Im not talking about a little money. When good stocks move down the strategy I describe in Strategy 1 makes more money than if they go up How can that be Its something I have been studying for years, and it works every time and cannot fail to work. Explosive Strategy 1: Using this one method a 14,000 trade turned into a 75,000 profit in just 8 months. The most money at risk Just 650. That was the total amount that was at risk when this position was initiated and NO more money was ever put into the position. Amazing profitloss ratio. And it doesnt matter if the stock goes up or down but does require an longer time frame - 6 to 8 months is not uncommon for these trades to create the profits you can brag about. Want to make a killing in the market It doesnt get any better than this. Explosive Strategy 2: Another method I call Flipping Stocks lets me buy stocks cheaper than anyone else and if I the market does not cooperate with my plan I get paid lots of money for waiting until it does This is for bigger players with more capital but when you have 15k or more to put to work, these longer term trades generate explosive profits. Explosive Strategy 3: This new strategy that has unlimited upside or downside potential and only 50 or so of risk This strategy is extremely powerful and one of the biggest real secrets that no one has ever discussed that I know of. Wait till you see the power of this strategy. You can make 1000s with a total risk of 50 or so its extremely powerful. Think theres no free-lunch on Wall Street This isnt one either but its as close as it gets to one So think again. This is the perfect strategy for playing earnings reports, takeover news stocks and any stock you think will move big in any direction with little risk. Explosive Strategy 4: If you want to be more active in stocks but hate the risk, youll love this. Day trade without the risk normally associated with day trading. Can be setup to be an semi-automated trading system. Very powerful and again another low risk, high earning strategy for more active participants (requires capital of 25,000 due to pattern day trading regulations). Explosive Strategy 5: If you liked the idea of the monthly income trades but was wondering how to turbo charge them to make a fortune, then you will love THIS. Instead of 1000-2000 a month you could start generating an income in the 5,000 to 40,000 a month range after learning this and with a lot less stress while trading as big as you want. This last strategy is the icing on the cake the peak moment in all your hard study and will be worth 100 times what you paid for this course maybe even more. Why didnt I reveal this before Simple: You would not be able to use this strategy without a good foundation that was laid out in Module 0 to 10. Everything we have learned thus far has been leading up to Explosive Strategy 4 and this one. Thats what we are covering and you will not find this material anywhere else. The course can be accessed 100 online. This allows us to provide you with the highest quality and clearest videos for you to watch. You may access the videos and other components of the course but may not allow anyone else to view, copy or share them. They are for your use only. BONUS MODULE (More than 3 Hours) What If I Know Nothing About Options If you know nothing about options you can still take this course but I highly suggest you get a copy of my book Handbook on Options Trading You get the Core Training Program All 11 Modules immediately Bonus Module The videos will be available 100 online that you can watch in your browser (Immediate Download Online Access) Online Access to the Home Study Options Course (streaming or download to your PC) Order Secure Now 397.00 Only 197.00 Today for Everything (Credit cardOnline Check) Click Here To Order Over 24 hours of Video Tutorial. Watch online streaming or download to your PC and watch it anytime you want. Instant Access no waiting Credit Card or Paypal. Instant access even if its 2 AM IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS AND TERMS OF USE U. S. Government Required Disclaimer Trading financial instruments of any kind including options, futures and securities have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the options, futures and stock markets. Dont Handel mit Geld, das Sie nicht leisten können, zu verlieren. This training website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to BuySell options, futures or securities. No representation is being made that any information you receive will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this training website. Die bisherige Wertentwicklung eines Handelssystems oder einer Methodik ist nicht notwendigerweise ein Hinweis auf zukünftige Ergebnisse. Please use common sense. This site and all contents are for educational and research purposes only. Please get the advice of a competent financial advisor before investing your money in any financial instrument. Additional Disclaimer: I strongly recommend that you consult with a licensed financial professional or therapist before using any information provided on this website. Any market data or commentary used in this training video is for illustrative, educational, and creative expression purposes only. Although it may provide information relating to investment ideas and the buying or selling of securities, options or futures, you should not construe anything on this training website as legal, tax, investment, financial or any other type of advice. If you do, its your own fault. Nothing contained on this training website constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, endorsement, push or offer to buy or sell any security by anyone involved with this research. Your use of this educational website and video and material indicates your acceptance of these disclaimer. In addition, you agree to hold harmless the publisher and instructors personally and collectively for any losses of capital, if any, that may result from the use of this website or video. In other words, you must make your own decisions, be responsible for your own decisions and trade at your own risk. Contents 2008-2009 by Tradingology2 and InfoProductLab LLC. Official Distributor: Fireball Planet Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. This website is for your use only and may not copied or distributed to anyone for any reason. No reproduction, storage in any electonic media or re-broadcast on the Internet via network transmission is allowed. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of US and International laws. EARNINGS DISCLAIMEREVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ACCURATELY REPRESENT THIS SERVICE AND ITS POTENTIAL. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL EARN ANY MONEY USING THE TECHNIQUES AND IDEAS IN THE CLASS PROVIDED BY THIS WEBSITE. EXAMPLES ARE NOT TO BE INTERPRETED AS A PROMISE OR GUARANTEE OF EARNINGS. EARNING POTENTIAL IS ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON THE PERSON USING THE INFORMATION INCLUDED TO THE SERVICE OFFERED, THE IDEAS AND THE TECHNIQUES. WIR KÖNNEN DIESES NICHT ALS EIN GET RICH SCHEM. ANY CLAIMS MADE OF ACTUAL EARNINGS OR EXAMPLES OF ACTUAL RESULTS CAN BE VERIFIED UPON REQUEST. YOUR LEVEL OF SUCCESS IN ATTAINING THE RESULTS CLAIMED IN OUR SITES DEPENDS ON THE TIME YOU DEVOTE TO THE IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES MENTIONED, YOUR FINANCES, KNOWLEDGE AND VARIOUS SKILLS. DA DIESE FAKTOREN NACH INDIVIDUELLEN VERSCHIEDEN WERDEN, KÖNNEN WIR IHREN ERFOLG ODER EINKOMMENSNIVEAU NICHT GARANTIEREN. NOR SIND WIR FÜR IRGENDEINE IHRE MASSNAHMEN VERANTWORTLICH. MATERIALS IN THIS CLASS AND OUR WEBSITE MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT INCLUDES FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS THAT GIVE OUR EXPECTATIONS OR FORECASTS OF FUTURE EVENTS. SIE KÖNNEN DIESE AUSSAGEN DURCH DIE TATSACHE KENNEN, DASS SIE KEINE STARK ZU HISTORISCHEN ODER AKTUELLEN FAKTEN ENTHALTEN. DIESE VERWENDUNGSWÖRTER SOLCHER ANTIKIPAT, SCHÄTZUNG, ERWARTUNG, PROJEKT, INTEND, PLAN, GLAUBEN UND ANDEREN WÖRTER UND BEGRIFFSBESTIMMUNGEN IN VERBINDUNG MIT EINER BESCHREIBUNG VON POTENTIELLEN ERTRÄGEN ODER FINANZLEISTUNGEN. JEGLICHE ZUKUNFTSGERICHTETE AUSSAGEN hier oder auf eine unserer Vertriebs MATERIAL SOLLEN AN DIE STELLUNGNAHME DES ERTRAGSPOTENZIAL EXPRESS. Viele Faktoren wird wichtig sein, in Ihrer aktuellen ERGEBNISSE UND FESTSTELLUNG keine Garantien gemacht, dass Sie die Ergebnisse ähnlich wie bei uns erreicht oder ANYBODY ELSES, in der Tat keine Garantien GEMACHT, dass Sie alle Ergebnisse aus unseren Ideen und Techniken in unser Material erreichen. Learn to trade Options and make consistent Income Every Month. Trade Like a Bookie and win 95 of the time. Make money by Predicting where the market will not go. 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Our online platform is 128bit SSL encrypted to protect your data. Full website copy 2015 NZForex Limited New Zealand loses jobs NZDUSD falls If youre new here, you may want to subscribe to receive daily updates. Thanks for visiting Employment change in New Zealand showed a decline of 0.4 in Q3, much worse than a gain of the same scale that was expected. The unemployment rate rose to 0.6 as expected. The labor cost index also disappointed with an advance of only 0.4. NZDUSD was trying to recover before the publication, creeping up to 0.67, but it fell immediately to the lows of the day at 0.6650. More data: the unemployment rate would have fallen much had it not been for the participation rate that dropped by 0.5 to 68.8. While this was expected, it skews the drop in employment. Year over year, employment advanced 1.5, also worse than predicted. Support awaits at 0.6615, followed by 0.65. Resistance awaits at 0.6720 and then 0.6790. Beforehand, the bi-weekly Global Dairy Trade showed a plunge of 7.4, the second consecutive fall. Milk prices are apparently also vulnerable to the slowdown. The RBNZ kept the ranges unchanged at 2.75 but certainly expressed its desire for a weaker currency. In addition, markets expect a resumption of the rate cuts beginning next month. Here is the chart, showing the drop, the gradual rise and the plunge of the NZ. How is Foreign Exchange Traded The Forex Market is effortless and easy to trade in, simply because you are the MASTER of your own account. No previous knowledge required You dont need to be a financial wiz to understand the Forex Market. Begin trading with as little as 100. In the Forex Market, we offer you what is known as leverage. Leverage means that we take the funds that you have deposited and multiply that by 400. So this means that if you deposit 100, you can actually trade with 40,000. Profit both ways. The Forex market has become attractive and popular because you can profit when a currency looses value as well as when it gains value Currencies are quoted and traded in pairs. This is a mental hurdle for beginners and traders who have traded in other markets since each currency trade consists of buying and selling a currency pair at the SAME time. Some examples of popular traded pairs are the EURUSD, GBPUSD, and USDJPY. The first currency listed in a pair is known as the base currency while the second currency is called the secondary currency. The base currency is the basis for the Bid price (the cost of selling the base currency) or the Ask price (the cost of buying the base currency). For example, if you Ask EURUSD you have bought Euros (and simultaneously sold dollars). You would do this if you expected that the euro would rise in value against the US dollar. If the EURUSD is quoted at 1.5460, that means that one euro is currently worth just over 1.54. If the market moves from 1.5460 up to 1.5461 that represents a move of one pip. A pip is the smallest increment of a currency pair and it is one ten thousandth of a euro, dollar or pound and one hundredth of a yen. Forex is traditionally traded in lots, which represent 100,000 units of the base currency although much smaller lot sizes are available today. In the case of the EURUSD currency pair, a pip is worth 10 in one lot and is 1 in a 10,000 EURUSD position, so a movement of one pip would be worth 10 on a 100,000 position and 1 on a 10,000 position. One of the reasons the Forex market is so well-liked is because we offer what is known as leverage. At XForex we offer a leverage of 200. This means that if you deposit 100, we multiply that by 200, meaning that you can now trade using 20,000. Lets look at an example: On the 8th of April, the EURUSD pair was at the level of 1.3290. If you would have opened a position using 1,000 meaning opening a trade of 200,000 and closed that SAME position 4 days later at the rate of 1.3680 you could have profited just over 7500 This makes the Forex market even more appetizing since it works both ways. You can profit from buying the weak currency and waiting for it to get stronger and you can also profit from buying the strong currency and waiting for it to get even stronger. Currency pairs are constantly changing at a rapid speed, depending on market volatility. This gives you the added benefit that you can profit from the changes in market movement. One way to profit is when the currency is losing value, you can sell that pair. Another way to profit is when a currency is gaining value, you can buy that pair. Thats why the Forex market is so appealing, since it is a WINWIN situation. WIN 821282128212-gt Forex Market lt821282128212- WIN Open an account with XForex NOW and receive our full E book today Why do you want to trade in the Forex Market The Forex Market offers a wide range of advantages and benefits, such as High Leverage. Usually Forex brokers offer you a leverage of 100:1. However, here at XForex we provide our clients with a leverage of 200:1. This means that for every 1,000 you place in your account you have access to 200,000 worth of deals. Liquidity: The Forex market trades between 2.5 and 3 trillion daily. The enormous size of the market means trades can always be carried out immediately. 24 Hours Trading: The Forex market operates 24 hours a day from Monday morning in Tokyo, Japan to Friday evening in New York. Therefore this means that you can have constant access to information, your account and any positions you want to place around the clock. The Forex Market is accessible from anywhere in the world. XForex uses a web-based trading platform, meaning that you dont need to download anything to begin trading. Since the Forex Market is open 24 hours a day, you can login no matter where you are located and begin trading with no fuss or hassle. To get more information on the Forex Market Join today and receive a 5,000 practice account. XForex in the Forex Market: XForex is a foreign exchange company that provides clients, with an opportunity to invest in the foreign exchange market. XForex commits itself to making you a successful trader and we do this by constantly providing our clients with relevant news, education and resources. When you become a client of XForex, you will have immediate access to a wealth of information. What benefits does XForex Offer YOU We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer support 24 hours a day. Our team of customer support representatives have been trained to understand and follow the market. We offer a wide range of assistance in over 5 languages. XForex provides its clients with round the hour market reviews and commentaries. This automatically puts you in an advantage since you will be constantly updated and educated on market happenings, announcements, results, political events and any sort of information that is relevant to the Forex market. The free signal offer: this is a free service for Xforex traders that have opened a real account. This service allows trader to receive few times per day, indicatorsignal regarding the good position they hould open. Find the tracking link that redirect to the free signal landing page, in the document attached. We provide our clients with a secure and safe trading platform. Your security is our number one priority and that is why we are using the SSL system (you can view it on our home page xforex). Opening an account with XForex : On top of our educational material, we offer you the tools you need in order to begin trading in the most profitable way: John Arnold johnarnold is the author of three marketing books in the best-selling For Dummies series: Web Marketing All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies, Mobile Marketing for Dummies, and Email Marketing for Dummies. John is also a columnist, blogger, and ask-the-expert writer for Entrepreneur Magazine, online at entrepreneurauthor804 John has developed marketing training programs for such companies as Coca-Cola, Capital One, Cars, Adidas, and many others. John first gained national attention for his marketing advice in 2006 when he pioneered a small business-training program on behalf of the email marketing service Constant Contact. Through the program, John coached thousands of small business owners on marketing, and his seminars and workshops have become a trusted source for marketing strategies, tactics, and best practices. John lives and works in Boulder, Colorado and consults for all kinds of large and small businesses. In Effective Email Marketing Strategies, John Arnold demonstrates how to get the most out of email marketing campaigns. The course offers strategies for building a quality list of subscribers and maintaining a companys brand and reputation by complying with spam laws, creating valuable email content, and ensuring emails are branded consistently. It also covers crafting marketing emails from format and design to content and analyzing the effectiveness of email campaigns. middot OS 10.3.9 or higher middot 1024x768 resolution middot 24-bit video support middot Quicktime 7 or higher middot XP, Vista, Windows 7 Online Effective email marketing strategies After swerving between shocking growth as a toddler and a serious mood disorder as an adolescent, online trading is on the verge of a stable maturity. 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